GBNHC - "24 Hour Rule" Policy

To all Coaches and Members of the Northbrook Hockey League

The Glenbrook North Hockey Club subscribes to the following "24 Hour Rule" policy with regard to the reporting of a complaint or issue of concern.

  1. There shall be no contact with any member of the coaching staff regarding a complaint or issue of concern (whether it is about a Coach or player’s conduct, language, playing time, position played, etc…) before, during or after a hockey game for a 24 hour period following the occurrence of an issue of concern.
  2. Should there still be an issue of concern after the 24 hour period has passed, the parent shall contact the TEAM MANAGER and schedule a meeting which shall be documented and attended by the Manager and Coaching staff. The meeting shall be confidential and should the Coaching staff feel the Manager's attendance improper, they shall utilize the Assistant Coach to document the meeting. The report of the meeting shall be provided to the Hockey Director for future reference should the need arise.
  3. Should satisfaction not be accomplished by the meeting, the Hockey Director and GBNHC President shall be notified and meet with the parties.
  4. Should the matter be unresolved after the Coach and Hockey Director’s meetings, the President of the GBNHC will refer the matter to the Board of Directors, as may be appropriate based on the nature of the concern expressed.

Should this rule be violated, the suspension under the ZERO TOLERANCE policy is 30 days.

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