Fall/Winter Season
Glenbrook North Varsity and Junior Varsity teams play in the highly competitive Scholastic Hockey League (“SHL”). SHL information is available at https://www.scholastichockeyleague.org/page/show/3599812-league-info.
Players must be current students at Glenbrook North High School (or incoming for spring/summer sessions).
Fall/Winter (Regular) Playing Season:
a. Tryouts – usually begin in late August
b. Pre-season – consists of team practices, practice games, and typically a pre-season tournament through September and October. Practices are usually 2 times per week and may include additional skills sessions throughout the season. In addition, there are a varying number of practice games per week.
c. Regular season/league play – SHL games are generally twice per week starting in late October and continuing through early February. Two practices per week typically continue.
d. Post-season – SHL playoffs begin in early February and end in early March. State High School playoffs typically run through the third week of March. Practices typically continue at two days per week during the post-season.
e. Thanksgiving, Winter Break, and Spring Break - The Varsity and Junior Varsity typically play a Thanksgiving tournament and Winter Break tournament. An out of town tournament for the Junior Varsity is typically done in late September or early October. The Varsity out of town tournament is typically in January or early February.
Team Selection:
The Director of High School Hockey will devise a format for competitive tryouts and implement the tryouts. The High School coaches shall select the teams based on the results of the tryouts and they will have sole discretion as to which players are selected for the team(s) they are coaching. Note that rosters are not finalized until late October and at times some players rostered on one team may be called upon to play on another team on one or more occasions solely at the coaches’ discretion.
Team Size/Makeup:
The head coaches of the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams, when possible, will generally select 18-22 players for each team (inclusive of goalies). If there are fewer than 20 players available for each team the Club intends to form, the coaches shall fill the Varsity team first, unless the head coaches agree that there is such a clear gap in the skills of the players trying out that some other allocation is more appropriate in order to ensure the proper development, health, and safety of the players. Regardless, each team must have a sufficient number of players to ensure that they will be able to effectively compete at the appropriate level throughout the season.
The GBNHC does not permit seniors to play on a Junior Varsity team. The Junior Varsity team is intended to develop younger players for the Varsity team. The organization has a practice of not trying not to cut senior players who have previously played in the Organization but this is not meant as a guarantee. As such, there may be a limited number of seniors eligible to be rostered on the Varsity team who will be assigned to a taxi/practice squad. These players participate in practices, participate in off-ice team activities, and attend home games. They initially pay a reduced fee that may increase depending on the number of games they play in. However, there is no guarantee that players assigned to a taxi/practice squad will play in any games. The number of players assigned to the Varsity taxi/practice squad will vary year to year (typically 3-4) and coaches will make an effort to communicate with players who are expected to be so assigned during tryouts.
Number of Teams:
Prior to the start of each fall season the GBNHC Board of Directors, in consultation with the Director of High School Hockey will make a determination as to the number of teams and players at each level for the upcoming season based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, participant demand, adult manpower, and facility availability. In some years, it may be necessary to cut players following tryouts. Players who have previously played on a GBNHC team are NOT guaranteed a spot on future teams.
Playing Time:
Glenbrook North hockey plays in a highly competitive league and tournaments and they will always play to win. There is no guaranteed ice time for any player and equal playing time is not guaranteed.
Participation in the GBNHC requires a significant time and financial commitment. Players considering trying out may find it extremely difficult to participate in other fall or winter high school sports. Additionally, the cost of high school hockey is higher than the typical Tier II feeder programs at the Bantam level. This is due to a number of factors such as the length of the season, league fees to cover longer games and three-four officials per game, coaches’ salaries, ice costs, and tournament fees. The GBNHC offers need-based scholarship opportunities for families who qualify.
Attendance at Team Activities:
Every player is expected to attend all practices, games, team activities, and functions. In addition to on-ice activities 5 or more days per week (whether practices or games), teams often have additional off-ice training sessions (e.g. conditioning, film sessions) and team meals (at the players’ expense). The GBNHC understands that absences are occasionally necessary due to a variety of factors. Excused absence policies are set by coaches and typically include illness/injury, family emergencies, major family ceremonies of immediate family members (e.g. weddings, funerals, bar/bat mitzvahs), religious commitments involving the player, and required school events and testing (e.g. SATs, PSATs, etc.) so long as the absences are communicated to the coach and confirmed in advance (except for emergencies). In the case of illness, players should use good judgment in attending team activities so as to prevent the spread of any contagious disease.
All players are required to wear approved equipment and uniforms to all practices, games, and pre-game warmups. The team uniforms are determined by the GBNHC and not by an individual team. Any deviation from the GBNHC’s uniform must be approved by the Board of Directors. A complete list of required uniforms and equipment includes:
GBN logo home and away game jerseys (Varsity players required to have 3rd game jersey), home and away game pant shells, home and away game socks, track suits, GBN logo gloves, a black helmet for skaters to which GBN logo stickers and uniform numbers will be affixed (supplied by team), practice socks, reversible practice jerseys, and GBN equipment bags. Goalie helmets need not be black and goalie pads, blocker, and glove can likewise be any color. Additional GBN logo gear such as winter jackets, hats, shorts, etc. are available for optional purchase. Full protective gear is required every time a player steps on the ice and includes a HECC certified helmet, shoulder pads or chest protector, hockey pants, cup or pelvic girdle, shin guards or goalie pads, elbow pads, skates, mouth guards, and neck guards. Players are responsible for providing their own equipment.
Dress Code:
Head coaches may institute pre-game dress policies at their discretion. If a player does not abide by the dress requirement the head coach may decide to have that player sit out a portion of the game.
Arrival Time:
Head coaches will provide players with expectations as to when they must arrive prior to a game (typically one hour) and other activities. If a player does not abide by the expectations the head coach may decide to have that player sit out a portion of the game.
Head coaches have discretion as to specific travel related rules including, but not limited to, curfew times, mandatory study times, etc.
Parent Communications:
Players should advocate for themselves. Parents should address any and all questions regarding on-ice issues to the coaches and not members of the Board.
a. Board of Directors: the GBNHC is managed by a 9 member Board of Directors. Current Board Members are posted on the Glenbrook North Hockey web site at https://www.glenbrooknorthhockey.org/. Board meetings are open to all Members in good standing.
b. Team Managers: one parent from each team will act as the team manager. The manager handles all day-to-day administrative details of managing the team, represents the team to the Board of Directors, and serves as the liaison between the coaches and parents. The team manager is responsible for keeping parents informed of team activities, particularly as it relates to schedules and schedule changes.
c. Parents: It is the GBNHC’s view that all Members should strive to play a role in the organization. Parents are expected to assist by volunteering to operate the penalty box, run the game clock, keep game scoresheets, wear yellow jackets, and perform any other duties that may be requested by the team manager. Additionally, parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in a committee. All committees are chaired by a member of the Board of Directors.
2024-2025 Fall/Winter Season
Full Season Registration:
For all players who are selected on a team, congratulations!